

A complete application includes an audition and/or interview. You can schedule your audition through the UHart Applicant Portal.


Strong musical training and versatility are needed to make a career as a performer. 作为哈特的乐器演奏家, 你接受表演方面的训练, 教育学, 职业发展. 独奏, 室, large ensemble opportunities provide experience in standard repertoire and new works. 我们还提供许多在协作环境中表演的机会,例如在歌剧的现场管弦乐队中演奏, 舞蹈音乐会, 或者是音乐剧. 表演大师班和与著名客座作曲家和指挥家合作的机会丰富了您的教育经验和专业网络. 毕业后, you are fully prepared to market yourself as an instrumentalist, 为专业乐团试镜, 谈判你的合同. Our 教育学 training also allows you to begin your private studio at the same time.

Our diverse faculty contribute greatly to your student experience, not just by what they teach in the studio or rehearsal room, 而是看他们在哈特之外的所作所为. The instrumental faculty members are all working musicians who perform with orchestras, 室乐团, 百老汇表演, 服务的乐队, 传感器组, 作为独奏家和录音室音乐家. Their repertoire is as varied as the ensembles in which they perform it.


哈特音乐学院器乐演奏学士学位(B亩)是一个综合性的课程,专为具有卓越天赋和动力的学生设计,目标是成为一名专业演奏家. Through classes such as Communicating with an Audience, 打造音乐事业, 和管弦乐曲目班, students learn career development techniques including contract negotiation, 录音, 阶段报告, 为乐队试镜做准备, 剧目选择.

查看课程 仪器性能, 吉他表演, 钢琴表演.


该学位的申请人必须在认可的机构或类似的外国学校完成音乐学士学位. 研究生学习委员会保留决定申请人是否以及何时拥有相当于学士学位的权利. 申请人可能需要参加一个特殊的考试来确定他们的熟练程度或准备哈特的学位课程之一.

我们也提供Suzuki教学法重点, which is two-year program for 音乐硕士 - Instrumental Performance degree candidates. Led by internationally acclaimed Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA) teacher trainers, students are mentored through classroom lectures, 指导观察私人课程, 组织类, 和乐团. 教育学专业的学生在全国公认的哈特学校社区分部Suzuki项目中与Suzuki资深教师一起工作,获得了真实的世界经验. 

查看课程 仪器性能, 吉他表演, 钢琴表演 or Suzuki教学法.

注意: In addition to the MM degree in Performance with Suzuki Pedagogy Emphasis, 西蒙 is pleased to offer a 5-year combined BM/MM degree in Suzuki Pedagogy. 看到 本科重点页面 详细说明.

The 音乐艺术博士 (DMA) degree program is designed to develop the complete musician, emphasizing both the highest level of musicianship and practical scholarly insight. 每门课程都旨在为各自的候选人在最高水平的职业生涯中做好准备, 教学, 或组成. Completion of the DMA usually takes a minimum of two full years beyond the 硕士学位. 第一年应该在学校度过, implying full-time status with a minimum course load of 9 credits per semester. One summer session prior to residence is permitted. 音乐艺术博士 programs must be completed within seven years from the date of matriculation. The DMA consists of an area of concentration and an elective minor area.

申请者必须表现出较高的学术能力,具有广泛的音乐和教育背景,以及来自认可机构或类似外国学校的适当硕士学位. Applicants are expected to demonstrate advanced technical and artistic ability.

查看课程 仪器性能 or 仪器进行.

希望以最低学术要求专注于专业发展的特殊能力的学生可以申请入读研究生专业文凭课程. GPD有与硕士课程相同的表演课程,但没有额外的音乐理论和音乐史学习. Applicants are to have earned a Performance Diploma, 音乐学士学位, 或同等, 在认可机构. The GPD requires a residence of two years and a minimum of 24 earned credits. Full-time course load: 6 to 9 credits per semester.  The 研究生专业文凭 must be completed within three years from the date of matriculation.

查看课程 仪器性能, or 管弦乐队的指挥.

艺术家文凭(AD)课程旨在为新兴的专业独奏家提供高级器乐学习,以促进他们在表演艺术方面的职业目标. 该培训计划的核心是为音乐会独奏者而进行的强化器乐学习, 室内乐, 和管弦乐队. 该课程的学术要求较低,使学生能够完全专注于器乐演奏.

申请人应表现出高水平的成就,并应在职业生涯的开始阶段. 一个文凭, 证书, 硕士学位, or an equivalent from an accredited institution is required for admission.  The AD requires a residence of two years and a minimum of 24 earned credits. Full-time course load is 6 to 9 credits per semester. The 艺术家文凭 must be completed within four years from the date of matriculation.

查看课程 仪器性能 or 管弦乐队的指挥.



Chamber music is aligned with the current trend in classical to smaller, 更多才多艺的群体,可以融入不同的社区,并与社会的许多方面保持联系. When you decide to pursue a 音乐学士 in Instrumental Performance with 室内乐重点, 你将专注于小型合奏作品. 通过室内乐的学习, you will learn about the history and practice of this art form, including negotiating of the rehearsal process, how to effectively communicate with an audience and your groups alike. Specialized 室 repertoire classes provide in-depth study of the most significant works, 你将能够探索所有与创建和维护一个成功的小合奏相关的选修课程.

To see a complete list of degree requirements, visit the Course Catalog

器乐演奏音乐学士学位侧重于选修研究,强调专业表演艺术领域的当前实践和趋势. 当你选择攻读这个学位时, 我们为您提供西方古典音乐研究中固有的基本核心知识和技能,并将其扩展到21世纪表演艺术家所需的额外知识和技能. 通过选择这个学位路径, you will have the flexibility to design a course that is specific to your interests and goals.

To see a complete list of degree requirements, visit the Course Catalog



哈特商学院很高兴成为美国/加拿大第一个提供5年联合Suzuki学位课程的机构. 五年制器乐演奏硕士/硕士学位,以Suzuki教学法为重点,提供全面的教学课程,是全国首演的Suzuki课程之一. 拥有三名美洲Suzuki协会(SAA)注册教师培训师, 学位候选人有机会观察这个长期项目的行动,并体验社区部门和大学之间的各种实习机会. The current degree program allows for violin and cello training, with violists having the option of pursuing violin training. 

毕业生将更有市场, will further Suzuki education across the country, meeting the growing demand of parents desiring Suzuki instruction for their children.

注意: 也有选择只追求音乐表演硕士学位与Suzuki教学法的重点.


图片来源: Seina Shirakura


Suzuki 小提琴 教师; 音乐 Skills Specialist in Suzuki Pedagogy

Suzuki 小提琴 教师; HCD Director of Teaching and Learning; 音乐 Skills Specialist in Suzuki Pedagogy


Applied lessons (private instruction) is the backbone of a comprehensive music education. The ultimate goal of 教学 is to eventually render oneself unnecessary, 培养独立性, to help students acquire the insight to be able to ask questions, to look for and find the answers on their own.

Carrie Koffman, Associate Professor of 萨克斯风

每周一小时的课程侧重于通过加强学生演奏中已经强大的区域和解决需要注意的欠发达区域来发展完整的玩家. All aspects of classical and contemporary styles and techniques are learned through the use of scales, 练习, 练习曲, 协奏曲, 奏鸣曲和其他独奏作品, 还有管弦乐选段.

Studio class is a collaborative forum, a kind of laboratory, which meets weekly. The experience of performing for one’s peers allows for the free sharing of ideas and perspective. 经常, 学生们发现,通过同事们的评论和批评,他们可以学到很多东西. 工作室课也作为一个工具,给予和接受学院的支持和讨论共同感兴趣的问题. It is required of all students studying performance.

除了管弦乐队, 乐队, 室内乐体验, some studios offer same-instrument ensemble playing opportunities. Skills emphasized in these courses include balance, 混合, 语调, 音乐反应, 聪明的模仿, 彩排的技术, 以及声音的发展, 通过音乐进行人际互动.

由国际知名的客座表演者/教师举办的大师班在哈特学院经常出现. 这些客座艺术家提供评论, criticism and feedback on our students’ playing, but also offer their own perspectives on their art and arts purpose in the world. All musicians are strongly encouraged to attend and/or perform at these classes.